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ONE MAN'S MEAT (Blackmore/Gillan/Glover)

Cold beer and a strange cigarette,
Getting you high getting you wet.
Falling in love falling out of debt,
Straight gay black or white,
Strutting in the dark hiding in the light.
Doing it wrong doing it right just doing it.

You got your life on the one hand, mine in the other,
I got the right we all got the right.

One man's meat is the other man's lousy luck.
One man's meat is someone's empty well.
One man's meat is some guy's aching butt.
One man's meat is another man's living hell.

Short fat thick or thin,
Take it in the gut take it on the chin.
Living in glory living in sin.
Hard day's work going down slow,
Riding the road where the greengrass grows.
Watching in die what d'you know?
Watch it.

You got your life on the one hand, mine in the other,
I got the right.

One man's meat is the other man's lousy luck.
One man's meat is someone's empty well.
One man's meat is some guy's aching butt.
One man's meat is another man's living hell.

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Все песни  D_P

Sometime 1973
August 1992 to November 1993
During 1980

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