Menu Deep Purple

August 1976 to September 1977

Paice, Ashton & Lord   

People involved

Tony Ashton (kbr/vcl); Jon Lord (kbr); Bernie Marsden (grt); Paul Martinez (bss); Ian Paice (drm); plus possibly others as well.

PAL recorded an album, toured and started recordings for another album, but financial consideration eventually put a stop to that, which was vastly unfortunate since they managed to record a superb album; definitely one of the best Deep Purple spinn-offs ever! As for the second album, it was apparently recorded in its entirety except for the vocals. Unfortunately, however, the master tapes seem to have vanished; at least, they can't be found! PAL also did a short tour, during which Ashton fell of the stage and broke his leg; it didn't stop him finishing the concert though :-)


Albums & singles

Malice In Wonderland [lp] : UK Oyster 2391 269

Malice In Wonderland [cd; extra material] : Germany 1995 Repertoire (Popumentary) REP-4568-WY

Lifespan [video] : US 1977

BBC Radio 1 Live In Concert [cd] : UK 1992 Windsong WINCD 025



Material from above appears on...

The Deep Purple Family Album [cd] : UK 1993 Connoisseur RP VSOP CD 187

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Sometime during 1988z
October 1975
June 1975 to March 1976

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