Menu Deep Purple

1986 and 1987


People involved

Phil Ehart (drm); Billy Greer (bss/vcl); Steve Morse (gtr); Steve Walsh (vcl/kbr); Richard Williams (gtr); with additional backing vocals on Power by "The Nude From The Waist Down Singers" [i.e. Travis Bradford; Rob Henson; Merle McLain; Jerome Olds; Yonrico Scott] & "The Boys Trio" [i.e. Doug Baker; Cliff Jones; Solomon Olds].

Albums & singles

Power [lp] : US 1986 MCA Records MCA-5838

Power [cd] : US 1986 MCA Records MCAD-5838

In The Spirit Of Things [lp] : US 1988 MCA Records MCA-6254

In The Spirit Of Things [cd] : US 1988 MCA Records MCD-06254 (MCAD-6254)

Live On The King Biscuit Flower Hour [cd] : US 1998 King Biscuit Flower Hour KBFHCD024

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Sometime during 1990
Sometime during 1981
July 1985 to sometime during 1986

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