Menu Deep Purple

Sometime during 1987


People involved

Rik Emmett (gtr/vcl); Mike Levine (bss); Gil Moore (drm/vcl); guested by Greg Loates (prc/prg); Steve Morse (gtr); Dave Tkaczuk (kbr/prg).

Morse plays electric guitar on "Headed For Somewhere" and acoustic guitar on "All The King's Horses". On a mailinglist devoted to the group Kansas, Rik Emmett himself told the story of this recording: "Steve Morse was an MCA Records contact through Tom Trumbo, L.A. A.&R. man, and he came up to Toronto to do a mega-weekend thing, where we wrote together, played a Guitar Festival gig together, recorded together, filmed a little movie thing, did a radio broadcast, and then he flew his prop-jet back down south, after staying at my place for a couple of days and proving to be a nice guy, a good sport, and one helluva guitar player."


Albums & singles

Surveillance [lp] : US 1987 MCA Records MCA-42083

Surveillance [cd] : Germany 1987 MCA Records 255139-2 (MCAD-42083)

Surveillance [remastered cd] : US/Europe 1996 TRC/MaGaDa MAGD-6210





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